App reviewers, just like product consumer and service customers, have different kinds of behaviour and ways for them to be noticed. We cannot just ignore reviewers because those reviews are shown publicly on app stores and we can all agree that their feedback is the key to unveiling app improvement opportunities. Their recommendations and awesome reviews are good marketing materials and stepping stone to ranking high on the app store.
How often have you made a purchasing decision or downloaded an app based on the reviews? Me too. They are super important.
Based on our experience, here are the different types of app reviewers and how to deal with them:
They love your app so much and they help in any way they can. They recommend improvements, provide helpful feedback and keep your app installed for a long time. Always respond and thank them for their support. They are the best marketers for your app.
They are techie reviewers who know a lot about the technical aspect. Appreciate and pay attention to their feedback because they can help you in improving the design and functionality of the app. Give them your contact information so you can further discuss their suggestions on how to improve the app based on the user’s perspective.
They love to leave short reviews like “I like it” or “Great app”. So short and concise, but give more attention to negative short-spoken reviewers because their comments like “Not good” or “Not working” can give you hints about some issues on your app that need to be fixed. You can provide them with contact information or links where they can give you more details about their bad experience.
They download apps just to try new things and will not keep the app for long. They might be annoying but they can give you a hint that if a user cannot figure out your app in a few minutes then maybe it’s not really easy to use or not so attractive. You can educate them about the good features of your app which they may have just overlooked or did not understand. Links and helpful videos about your app can make them change their mind and reinstall your app.
They leave nasty comments and hate everything about your app. Take a deep breath before responding because you cannot just answer negatively since your response will be publicly shown. Check if the reviewer is raising a valid point and assure them that you will work on the issues.Thank them for the feedback and for trying the app anyway. If they’re just making false statements, ridiculous complaints and cursing you then don’t respond, you’ve got better things to do.
They try to promote their app or products by posting their links in the comments. Do not respond to spammers, you can just flag the review as spam then move on.
Dealing with reviewers is like trying to get along with the people you work every day. They’ve got so many things in their mind and so much to say, whether bad or good, you need to know how to deal with them professionally and with respect. Learn from what they’re trying to say and just let go of whatever you think would not make you a better person.
In app development, you can never ignore user’s reviews because they provide the real picture on how your app is working in the eyes of those who can be the great evangelists and marketers for your app.
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