A couple of times a year, YouTube invites people to an event and gather them to some of the big hubs and cities to learn more about how to better
Some Helpful Tips On How To Be Productive At Work
Paul Meyer once said: "Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused
How To Create A Great Company Culture For Success
"The first thing to look for when searching for a great employee is somebody with a personality that fits with your company culture. Most skills can
Can Ear Spy Hack Your Account?
Overpass appreciates people taking time in installing our apps and leaving a review. We love reading your comments and learning about your experiences
More Than 2,000 YouTube Subscribers! And Still Growing
We’ve got good news for you! Last week, our YouTube Channel reached more than 2,000 subscribers and it continues to grow every day. We have reached
App Reviewers And How To Deal With Them
App reviewers, just like product consumer and service customers, have different kinds of behaviour and ways for them to be noticed. We cannot just
Yes, It Does Pay To Respond To Reviews
Responding to reviews can be so tedious for some but I honestly love reading reviews because that’s my only chance of knowing how our apps are doing
8 Tips On How To Get Your App Rank Higher On The App Store
Ever wonder how apps find their way to the top of the app store? Imagine an enormous number of people running a race and trying to get to the finish
Why Learn Chinese Mandarin?
Mandarin is a group of related varieties of Chinese spoken across most of northern and southwestern China. The group includes the Beijing dialect, the
The Newest Turkish Language Learning App
Overpass is committed to providing aid in learning other languages and making sure the process will be enjoyable and fun. We’re so delighted to share
Perfect Travel Destinations In The United Kingdom
Overpass is located in Wantage, Oxfordshire near Didcot and Oxford. We operate and cover areas in the UK and work with different clients across the
Hearing Loss and Ear Assist: Hearing Aid
Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment, is a partial or total inability to hear. Hearing loss may occur temporarily or permanently in one or
Top 5 Free Weather Apps On Google Play
Weather affects our daily lives. For instance, on a rainy day you will see fewer joggers or bikers outside. Extreme weather events can also bring
Brexit And App Development In UK
"Britain is better off inside the EU than out on our own. At the heart of that is the single market. 500 million customers on our doorstep, a source
How To Create A Marketable Name For Your App
What’s in a name? When someone browses apps on iTune or Google Play, the first thing he/she would notice is the app name and its icon. The app store