This has ben updated today, October 12, 2020. - Rowena Gabriel
Being a work at home Mom of 5 wonderful kids, well, technically they are not kids anymore since their ages range from 25 years old to 19 years old, from eldest to youngest respectively; I see them every time they go “gaga” over their phones and gadgets especially when the internet is slow.
The arguments of my two college students over dinner on who’s going to use the laptop first to make their thesis is almost a nightly routine. And when one of my kids told me that his smartphone is broken, I started thinking, “Here they go again!”
I am a freelancer and started working for Overpass last June. My laptop is my life since this work is my bread and butter, and I firmly believe that internet connection is now a basic commodity.
I perfectly understand the need and the necessity of having smartphones, gadgets, and internet connection on everyone’s home in this generation. Honestly, in our home, we have 7 smartphones, 1 laptop, 3 desktop computers, 2 broken iPads, and a 50 Mbps internet connection.
Considering the cost of all these gadgets, the utility bills, and other expenses, can an averaged-earner like me afford the costs of all of these technologies and stuff?
Well, setting aside the literal “cost” of a smartphone, laptop or tablet, I will answer this question with what I truly feel and base it on our family’s financial situation, and I have to say that, “Yes, I can. Yes, I have to.”
My kids are millennials. They grew up knowing the latest iPhone released, the newest model of a Samsung phone, or if the latest Windows update is compatible with our PCs. They are attuned to the leading-edge technology even if their smartphones are older models.
But that keeps me at peace; knowing that they have a smartphone with them, I will be able to call them anytime, and they will be able to call us in a time of emergency. Or if they’ll be late going home at nights.
I know that when my college kids are using the laptop, they are researching or writing their thesis and they do their best to study hard. Their life won’t be easy without Google, without these educational and non-educational apps that help them through. Without these specific methods and devices, it’s unlikely that they’ll get the work done.
The cost of technology may be unaffordable for most people, but we have to go with the flow of the rapid growth in technology. We have to work hard, earn as much, and keep up with the pace of this innovative technologies.
They say that relationships can’t be made using technology; relationships come from conversations and experiences and relationships lead to loyalty.
I say that we are a close-knit family, we care a lot about each other, and are loyal to each other. And when we’re together, we put down our phones, look up from the monitor and say hello. The cost of technology is nothing as compared to what it gives me. I will be able to afford it as long as it brings my family in constant communication even if we’re not together and it gives me the peace of mind any mother of a millennial needs.
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