Did you know?
- Hebrew is written from right to left which is believed to be because of how they chisel words in stones where they hold the chisel with their dominant hand and it was easier to move the chisel from right to left.
- The Dutch language has a word which cannot be translated. “Gezellig” is an adjective which describes something as familiar, warm, friendly, cosy and jovial, but it doesn’t have a literal translation in English or in any other languages.
- Somali is one of the featured languages available on Google translate as of 2013.
- The Italian alphabet has only 21 letters and doesn’t include the letters j, k, w, x and y.
- There are German words which have the same spelling with English words but with different pronunciation and meaning. Like Rat in German means advice, Gift is poison, bank for a bench, and a lot more.
- Japanese has no genetic relationship with Chinese but it makes extensive use of Chinese characters in its writing system, and a large portion of its vocabulary is borrowed from Chinese.
- Kiosks, kayaking and yoghurt are examples of Turkish words.
Reasons why you should learn a second language:
Those are just some of the fascinating and interesting facts about different languages. They show how interesting each language can be. There are a lot of reasons why you should learn another language and all of them are benefits that you cannot just take for granted.
The New Language Learning Apps of Overpass:
Overpass has been supportive to language learners and committed to creating great apps. A new set of language learning apps has been released to the market to make the learning process fun and easy.
Learn Italian Bubble Bath Game
Learn Turkish Bubble Bath Free
It’s a good start!
Marketing apps and making them known are as difficult as creating them, but getting good ratings and reviews means it’s a good start.
So whatever your reason for learning another language, Overpass is just here to make it more exciting for you. Visit http://www.overpass.co.uk/languages/ for more Language Learning Apps. Download the apps for free and share your experiences too.
Enjoy the apps!
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You can also try this free app with effective method of memorizing new words with 40+ languages: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.devinco.smarteach.tts