Overpass is committed to providing aid in learning other languages and making sure the process will be enjoyable and fun. We’re so delighted to share that we have just released a new language learning app on Google play called Turkish Language Bubble Bath.
So why learn Turkish?
Turkish, also referred to as Istanbul Turkish, is the most widely spoken of the Turkic languages, with around 10–15 million native speakers in Southeast Europe and 60–65 million native speakers in Western Asia. The distinctive characteristics of Turkish are vowel harmony and extensive agglutination. Agglutination is a process in which complex words are formed by stringing together morphemes without changing them in spelling or phonetics. Languages that use agglutination widely are called agglutinative languages. As an agglutinative language, Turkish allows the construction of words by adding many suffixes to a word stem. The longest word in the Turkish language used in a text is “muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesine” which has 70 letters. It is derived from the noun “muvaffakiyet” (success) and means “As though you are from those whom we may not be able to easily make into a maker of unsuccessful ones”.
I have discussed in my previous article “Learning The Language” the benefits of learning how to speak another tongue and one of those is discovering and understanding another culture . Acquiring a deeper understanding of a different culture paves the way into appreciating your own. It will also be enjoyable to visit Istanbul if you can speak their native tongue and being able to communicate will open doors to friendship, warm smiles and the invitation to celebrate.
So if you want to experience the beauty of Turkish Language, download our app Turkish Language Bubble Bath. Turkish Bubble Bath includes 630 Turkish words divided into 63 challenging categories. Just tap on a bubble, hear the word spoken by a native speaker, and select the translation to pop the balloon. You will increase your Turkish vocabulary as you play and have fun!
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