It’s hard to imagine the world before Facebook. I have to admit that I’m guilty of checking it every hour. Some apps can enhance your experience with Facebook, and we have compiled a list of the most popular Facebook apps. Check them out!
Updates are automatically scheduled and posted throughout the day to social media accounts. You can connect up to 4 social media accounts and get analytics for each update you share.
Facebook Lite
The Facebook version that uses fewer data and works in all network conditions. It’s fast to install and loads quickly.
Swipe for Facebook
The smoothest and slickest Facebook app which is lightweight, highly customizable and battery-friendly with fantastic UX and beautiful UI.
Reach people around the world for free with this free app. You can keep the conversation going while using other apps and you can make the chat exciting by using stickers. Messenger got a lot more features which you can check out.
Metal for Facebook & Twitter
A well-designed Facebook app that saves battery on AMOLED displays. It’s light, functional and beautiful.
Download now these Facebook apps for free and let us know about your experience in the comments section. Enjoy Facebook more!
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I guess I am really behind the times. I am 80 years old, and tonight is the first time I had ever heard of Facebook applications. Now I am wondering where to start. Apparently, there are more that fifteen of them. Well, maybe they will help me with some of the problems I have been having posting videos to Facebook. There has to be a better way, Presumably, the Facebook way is the better way. By the way, don’t you think it would have been a good idea to say what these applications are used for? This is definitely not the place to start learning about Facebook apps.